The Passionate Mom
Passionate Mom

Yikes! Book Launch Approaching in…


It is finally time–yippee and yikes! I confess I am more than nervous.  You see, I am not a writer and this book took me way out of my comfort zone.  In fact, I cried my way through the whole process. It was really hard to reflect deeply on my parenting–I made a lot of mistakes.  It was difficult to face those mistakes,  grieve about my shortcomings as a mother and then share them in the book.  It is my hope that you will learn from them and from the story of the unique individual who inspired my vision for parenting.

For the next few weeks many of my blogs will be from The Passsionate Mom.  You will get a taste and more!  In honor of the book release on April, 16h the publisher, Thomas Nelson, is supporting the book with lots of give aways (think iPad, Kitchen Aid Mixer, Disney and more) and free with purchase items.  I will be announcing those here on Friday, April 12th.

So stay tuned and wait to buy The Passionate Mom with the bonuses!

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