numbers 34

Numbers 34-36: You’ve Arrived, Now What?

In this episode, we cover Numbers 34, 35, and 36. Here, we see God’s rules for the land division of the tribes, how to handle both intentional and unintentional murders, and even a small aside to make sure Zelophehad’s land stayed in the clan. While it all seems a bit random, God is filling out all remaining holes for the nation before they officially arrive in the Promised Land.


My Bible bender of this episode came in the section discussing unintentional murder. Intentional or not, murder had to be atoned through blood. If intentional, blood atonement was sought by the family of the victim. If unintentional, the murderer’s consequence was living in the refuge cities until the high priest died–making the blood atonement right again. I love the connection to this passage and how Jesus is our high priest that covers the blood sacrifice needed to forgive our sins, intentional or not for all eternity.

What was your Bible bender? Did you learn anything new?


Episodes Mentioned:

Season 4, Episode 7: A Moment of Weakness Leads to a Life of Wandering


Season 1, Episode 25: The Sisters/Wives Switch, Part 3



This article was written by Hayley Mowatt, producer of Bible Book Club.

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