leviticus 17

Leviticus 17-18: Moral Laws: Blood, Sex + Child Sacrifice


Leviticus 17  + 18 covers more laws for the nation of Israel that can be classified four different ways: ritual laws, civil laws, health laws, and moral laws. But what is the purpose for those studying them today? In today’s episode, we dive into the various reasons behind the many laws in Israel’s quest to become holy like God is holy.


Today’s Bible bender for me was the quote from Rabbi Stewart Vogel in explaining the danger of creating our own morality: “If each of us creates his own meaning, we also create our own morality. I cannot believe this. For if so, what the Nazis did was not immoral because German society had accepted it. Likewise, the subjective morality of every majority culture throughout the world could validate their heinous behavior. It comes down to a very simple matter: Without God there is no objective meaning to live, nor is there an objective morality. I do not want to live in a world where right and wrong are subjective.” That quote had a lot to unpack with it for me, especially in today’s culture of ‘my truths’. 

What was your Bible bender? Did you learn anything new?



This article was written by Hayley Mowatt, producer of Bible Book Club.

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