leviticus 11

Leviticus 11: Purity- It’s Not What You Think

Leviticus 11:

Leviticus 11 brings us back to law school! Chapter 11 starts us into a new section covering rituals for purity. This week, Susan and Heather explain the difference between the different states of being clean, pure, or holy and how that affected the everyday lives of the Israelites. This title will really ring true after listening: purity is not what you thought. What pre-conceived ideas do you have when you think of the word?


My Bible bender in this episode came through the understanding of the natural elements of the different states of being: clean, pure, holy. I had originally associated clean, unclean with sin. It added a new layer to the text to understand that many good actions by the Israelites (like childbirth) could put them in an unclean state which does not mean the action itself is sinful. It might just have fluids associated with it, making it naturally unclean.

What was your Bible bender from Leviticus 11? Did you learn anything new?



The Path to Good or Evil

good and evil

The Leviticus Outline

This article was written by Hayley Mowatt, producer of Bible Book Club.

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