Judges 20 - 21

Judges 20-21: When Everyone Did as They Saw Fit

In Judges 19-21, we witness a series of horrifying events that epitomize the moral decay in Israel during those dark days. The story unfolds as the nation once united by God is torn apart because everyone did as they saw fit.


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The Levite, who had shown a complete lack of compassion for his concubine, makes a gruesome decision. Upon returning home, he cuts her into twelve pieces and sends them throughout Israel, provoking outrage and a demand for retaliation.

The Israelites’ initial shock and motivation to address the atrocity led to three battles and devastating losses. In a devastating conflict, Israel turns against its own in a brutal battle. They are no longer fighting the Canaanites, to secure the Promised Land, they are destroying each other. The horrifying death toll reveals the depths to which the nation has fallen. They eventually secure victory over the tribe of Benjamin, but the cost is incredibly high, the tribe is at risk of being totally wiped out.

With the tribe of Benjamin at risk of extinction, the Israelites devise a disturbing plan to provide wives for the remaining bachelors, including killing the inhabitants of Jabesh Gilead.

The story and the Book of Judges conclude with the prophetic reminder that “In those days Israel had no king; everyone did as they saw fit.” Where is the hope? Will God provide a king? Will the king be able to unite the people as they once were? Where is Moses when you need him?

The Israelites’ broken relationship with God and one another leaves us hanging and wondering, how will God use these people to bring hope and salvation to the world. 

And then there is the Book of Ruth, a seed of hope during the dark days of Israel.

Season 8, will be a joy!

Scene 1: The Levite loses it!

Scene 2: Rage and revenge replace rationality.

Scene 3: The first civil war in the Promised Land.

Scene 4: Two wrongs do not make a right.

Scene 5: Three wrongs still won’t make it right.

Scene 6: Is this the end of the dark days?



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