1 samuel 18

1 Samuel 18-19: God Provides People to Protect David

In 1 Samuel 18 and 19, David has been transformed overnight from a pesky inquisitive baby brother to a celebrated hero, honored court member, and soon-to-be royal family member. His resume will continue to grow as we read through the 1st and 2nd Samuel. 

But as David’s story builds, a contrasting subplot is being developed. The demise of Saul, the king the people wanted, compared to the rise of David, the king God wanted. Saul, the Bad Shepherd of the people, is contrasted with David the Good Shepherd.

He became a king like all the other nations’ kings, while David was a king with a heart for the Lord. Saul disobeyed the Lord repeatedly without repenting, while David’s disobedience will be deeply repented. 


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As Saul was becoming like other kings, David find favor in his son Jonathan and a covenant friendship is formed. The key to their friendship is their faith! The great 18th century commentator John Ellicott described the key to Jonathan’s friendship with David like this:

The long and steady friendship of Jonathan no doubt had a powerful and enduring influence on David, the greatest of the Hebrew sovereigns. The words, the unselfish, beautiful love, and, above all, the splendid example of Jonathan have undoubtedly given color to many of the noblest expressions in David’s Psalms.

We read of this friendship as dating from the first striking deed performed by David when he slew the giant. It is clear, however, that it was not the personal bravery of the boy hero which so singularly attracted Prince Jonathan. These things no one would have admired more than the son of Saul, but it needed more than rare skill to attract that great love of which we read. What won Jonathan’s heart was the shepherd boy’s sublime faith, his perfect childlike trust in the Lord. Jonathan and David possessed one thing in common—an intense, unswerving belief in the power of God to keep and to save all who trusted in Him.

Do you have a friend like Jonathan?

Scene 1: David Falls In and Out of Favor

Scene 2: David Falls Out of Favor with Saul

In Scene 3: David Finds Favor with the People

Scene 4: Saul Scrambles for a Deadly Alliance

Scene 5: Jonathan Protects David

In Scene 6: Michal Protects David

Scene 7: Samuel Protects David

Verses Mentioned:

Show Notes:

Bible Timeline


A Bible Timeline from the Bible Book Club Podcast

The author of this article is Hayley Mowatt, producer of Bible Book Club.

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