1 samuel 13

1 Samuel 13-14: The Fall of Saul

In 1 Samuel 13 and 14,  the Israelites are hopeful that Saul is the answer to the long-awaited promise made in Genesis. While it looks to them that Saul is the king–often called the “second Adam”–he is not. His fall comes fast.


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Saul’s reign, like many of the kings after him, will revolve around battles to defend the Promised Land. Israel’s greatest fear and foe at this time was the Philistines. So. Saul sets out to prove his worth with assistance from his son Jonathan.

It turns out the Philistines are powerfully intimidating. The Israelites chicken out and hide. Saul needs to make a move. But he can’t until he enlists the Lord’s blessing and that requires Samuel. He must wait. But the pressure is mounting as the men are abandoning and the Philistines are advancing and it was all just too much pressure. Something had to be done, God had the answers, Saul just needed to hear them. So he tried to seek God, without Samuel. This impulsive and impatient decision costs him dearly.

Scene 1: Saul Begins His Fall

In Scene 2: Saul’s Fall Leads to Israel’s Suffering

Scene 3: Jonathan, A Son with Saving Faith

Scene 4: Jonathan Eats Honey + Saul Eats His Words

Verses Mentioned:

Show Notes:

Bible Timeline


A Bible Timeline from the Bible Book Club Podcast

The author of this article is Hayley Mowatt, producer of Bible Book Club.

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