The Separation Solution

Leviticus Separation Solution

We hope you find this separation solution chart helpful! In the Old Testament, the Israelites didn’t know Jesus and his sacrifice yet. That meant that they (and all sinful people) were separated by God. The solution God provided them was the law of sacrifices and rituals that allowed God to dwell with them. This was accomplished through building the Tabernacle, where God’s spirit would dwell with them as they traveled.

I love how the Tabernacle is the bridge between God and people together. It shows how unworthy they were to have this gift (tabernacle) and same goes for us. We are unworthy but thankfully Jesus become the perfect sacrifice to fulfill the law. We can now dwell with God on earth and eternally. 

What do you think? Does this help you understand the need for the law in the Old Testament and all the rituals and sacrifices? What are your thoughts on the Tabernacle? Would you have wanted to be a Levite or a priest? How do you think our life would be different than it is today? Would you be more focused on your sin and repentance or more grateful for Jesus’s sacrifice? It definitely is a great reminder for us to take with us in this week.

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