Patriarchal Lineage:12 Sons and 12 Tribes of Israel


12 Tribes of Israel Chart

This is what we call our 12 Tribes of Israel chart. It highlights the lineage of the patriarchs (Abraham to Jacob) and then Jacobs four wives and their 12 sons. These 12 sons become the 12 tribes of Israel that we will hear about continuously in the Bible going forward. Although the chart doesn’t mention it, Jacob and his sons story can be studied in the book of Genesis.

I love this chart as it highlights the familial ties for the sons mentioned in the Bible clearly. What do you find fascinating about the chart? What do you find intriguing about the the story of Jacob? Did you know that Jacob had 4 partners? I also love how the chart shows up that while there were 12 sons, not all 12 got a tribe. Joseph’s sons get his double portion and become tribes. We also know that Levi doesn’t get a tribe in which to settle but is dispersed as priests for all the other tribes.

Do you like having the visual? There will be many more charts added over time in the show notes for Biblical event we have yet to study together. Don’t miss out–keep checking the show notes page for updates. If charts aren’t for you, we will include some enlightening maps as well!

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