
I’m A Whack A Mole Mama

Just picture me, mallet in hand, furiously whacking away at a myriad of problems that relentlessly pop up out of know where at a never ending pace – treats for Grant’s class, physical for football, tuition for UF, sorority bill for ADPi and Zeta, laundry, laundry, laundry, flat tire, sick dog, internet down, no milk, prescription refill, toothache, forgotten lunchbox –

I am a whack a mole mama.

And those little moles can give you nightmares.  Have you ever woken with your heart racing because how in the world did you have the nerve to go to sleep anyway?  There are days, and even weeks, when I can’t seem to master my moments.  I just came out of one such three week sprint.  It was a blitz but it is over.  I used to think it was just me and that I should have been more organized.  I know better, now.

From the moment those little moles are born they bring with them the element of surprise – like spit up on your husband’s suit the morning of a board meeting, 102 fever the night before you go on vacation, splitting their chin open on Christmas day, and remembering at 9:00 p.m. that they have a five page essay due in the morning.  Not to mention all the daily details outlined in my opening paragraph!

What is a mother to do?  Whack away Mama!  There is just no point in thinking crazy times will not come or that you can somehow out organize them.  No such control exists to circumvent occasional periods of intense mole activity.  If, however, that activity becomes routine, exhaustion will overtake you.  In that case, this Whack A Mole Mama has finally learned to re-evaluate the little mole schedule and whack a few activities out of the calendar!

How do you control your mole madness?

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