
Confessions: I Am Not The Adoring Type

And I am not stupid.  So when I am hit with the same pang of conviction twice in one week I am smart enough to know God is trying to show me something.

Pang #1 hit me during a casual conversation with a friend at the football field.  My friend was sharing with me about her husband.  She was gushing about him, she said that he amazed her and on and on and on.  Hmm, I couldn’t remember the last time I gushed about my husband to anyone.

Pang #2 hit at the Family First Annual Dinner.  The speaker, Dr. Ben Carson, and his wife sat across from me.  They have been married for decades but were adorable together.  The entire time he was speaking, his wife, Candy, would smile at him and give a pre-emptory chuckle seconds before every joke.  She obviously knew every line well but she still thought he was hysterical.  She adored him and every word he spoke as if they had been dating for three months instead of married for thirty years.

I’ve got to work on that.  Is it my “type” that makes me less enamored, fanciful, adoring?  Or is it a lack of appreciation for him – a cynicism that I have, somehow, outgrown immature infatuation?

So my hubby  put on some new glasses the other night at dinner.  And I looked at him anew because he looked anew.  He smiled and laughed – he is so cute!  I think I need to put on some new glasses – some rose colored glasses so that I can see him adoringly every day.

Alright, don’t laugh.  How about at least once every week.

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