Behaving in Class

Behaving in Class = Self-Control + Respect

My sister, Kathie, taught ninth grade last year.  She is an amazing math teacher—the kind you pray your kids will get.  I was surprised at how difficult the year was for her.  You see, I know Kathie—she can be tough, she can teach creatively, and she really cares about her students.  If anyone can teach and teach well, she can.  But the kids she had last year were tough, they were creative, and they did not care.  Neither did most of their parents.

The result was that she didn’t feel her students got the education that they could have, if more of them had behaved.  You cannot ensure that your child’s classmates know how to behave, but you can take responsibility for your own child.  It is a start; and if more moms would start, more teachers could teach, and more students could learn.

Behavior in class and beyond is a simple math equation:

Behaving in Class = Self-Control + Respect

For five simple ways to teach self-control and some great tools for teaching respect, download Lesson 3, Teach Your Child How to Behave in Class from the free e-book, Every School Year Counts.

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