
Be Organized: It Is Not Just For The Kids!

So let me just confess straight up — I struggle to stay organized.  Therefore, consider this an addendum to the Teach Your Child To Be Organized lesson in my Ebook Every School Year Counts (download Lesson 1 below and the full version of the Ebook here).

For every time that one of my kids yelled down the stairs, “Mom, I can’t find my shoes” there have been twice as many times when I yelled, as I raced around the house, “Has anybody seen my keys?”  Organization–is there such a thing as a natural?  Then again, it can be learned.   I believe it, so I am learning.  The house flood/14 month renovation taught me that I have three tendencies that inhibit my organization:

  1. Nonessentials Hoarding – nonessentials are things that I think I will need but in reality I could live with out.  Examples might include shopping bags from every store in the mall; clothes that I loved and hope to wear again but won’t because they are too small, youthful, not comfy or out of style; left over craft supplies that one day might be applied to some school project; or outdated electronics or toys that aren’t broken but the kids have move on so why can’t I?
  2. Thriftiness – this is a good trait, but it is the fire that fuels the hoarding of nonessentials.  I think I might need it in the future and I don’t want to have to go buy it.  So to save money I keep it.   However, if I keep it, I will have to keep it organized and that can be a lot of work.
  3. Procrastination – rather than deal with something, I stash it thinking I will get to it later.  This lack of organization impacts me most at my desk where mounds of papers accumulate creating confusion and frustrating disorganization.
So post flood, I have learned that in any given moment I can lose all my stuff and therefore:
  1. If it is a nonessential I can live without it.
  2. Thriftiness might save money, but it will cost time spent organizing a lot of stuff.
  3. Procrastination and organization cannot coexist, I must choose.

The flood has washed my house clean of clutter and with less stuff I am feeling organized.  I am hopeful that I have learned something … how to be organized and how to teach my children to be organized! 

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