The Tanakh Books


Tanakh Books

This is our Tanakh Books chart. It highlights the three categories of the Tanakh collection which includes the Law books, the Prophets books, and then the Writings books.

I love this chart as it gives me insight into how the Jews categorized the Bible clearly. What do you find fascinating about the chart? What do you find intriguing about the chart? Have you ever heard of the Tanakh before? What do you know about the Torah, Tanakh, or even the Pentateuch? Do you know your Hebrew? If not, be sure to listen to season one of Bible Book Club.

Do you like having the visual? There will be many more charts added over time in the show notes for Biblical event we have yet to study together. Don’t miss out–keep checking the show notes page for updates. If charts aren’t for you, we will include some enlightening maps as well!

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