The New Testament Books





New Testament Chart

Ever wondered how to categorize the New Testament books?  For the 27 books, there are six major category divisions. As you can see above in this New Testament chart, there are 4 books that are considered the Gospels, 9 Paul’s letters to churches books, 8 books in the Other Letters category, 1 book considered the History of the Church, 4 books for Paul’s Letters to Individuals category, and finally, 1 book that are considered the prophecy category. 

Which of these categories interests you the most? I know that I have studied the Gospels more than the other categories but excited to dive into the studying Revelation at some point. Do you have a favorite book in the New Testament? Do you like the Letter books over the prophecy book? Or do you know the difference between all the Gospel books? Better yet, have read and studied the whole New Testament before? I have not but it is a goal of mine to one day accomplish. I love that this New Testament chart gives me a checklist of sorts to use. 

If you want help or friends to study alongside you, make sure to follow Bible Book Club for the next book drop. As of 2023, we have studied all the law books and are headed into the history section next in the Old Testament but we will get to the New Testament someday. I know, I’m most excited for the study of the Gospels. Make sure to come check out the show notes page often as we keep updating it with charts and visuals. We like visual aids and hope you do too!

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