Parenting Susan on TV

Delayed Gratification and the Marshmallow Experiment

If someone put a marshmallow in front of your child and told them to wait to eat it…for 5 minutes…for 10 minutes, could they do it? What if they were promised double the marshmallows if they waited successfully? Delayed gratification. Just the sound of those two words may make you want to run out and grab everything you possibly can now…before it’s to late!

Recently, Grow Up: Parenting Wars with John Stossel aired an episode on the FOX News Channel about the benefits of delayed gratification. A study shows that mastering the “art” (or discipline) of delayed gratification at a young age can provide a greater probability for success later in life – in relationships, finances, etc.  

As a parent, I was excited to be a part of the segment.  I think it is really important for moms to understand this concept.  If you child can’t delay eating, they will fight weight gain. If they can’t delay video games, they will fail at homework. If they can’t delay gratification, they will struggle as an adult. I want to provide my kids with the best opportunities for future success that I can. Do you? If so, look to the marshmallow experiment…and watch this video.  

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