shepherds watched

While Shepherds Kept Watch…(Christmas Countdown Day 8)


Nighttime… when most of the world sleeps and only a handful of us have jobs that require staying awake and keeping watch over something.  In Bible times, this was the job of the shepherds, a lower class group of people whose job required little skill, whose clothes probably stunk of sheep’s wool, and who were often frowned on because of their inability to keep religious rules and customs of their time due to the lifestyle they lived.

And yet, when it was time to spread the news of the baby Jesus’ arrival, God sovereignly chose to send the angels first to the shepherds.   What an encouragement to us today that no matter how much others have made us feel forgotten, or unable to keep up with the current demands of social status, modern technology, or income, our Heavenly Father has not forgotten us.

He is El Roi… the God who sees.  He knows where we are and how neglected we might feel, and He is waiting to share His glory and love with us.

Be encouraged today.

You are seen, you are loved, and you are never left alone.

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