
What’s Your Deepest, Darkest Mom Secret? I Confess…

Today.com did a survey of 26,000 moms asking their deepest darkest secrets (about parenting). The confessions were all over the board from giving their child medication so they can have peace and quiet to being lonely.

Being a mom can be overwhelming, lonely, and full of fearful anxiety. Knowing that all moms have feelings like these can bring perspective. Many of these secrets come from guilty feelings that we are not doing all we should for our children. There is great hope in that! If we didn’t care we wouldn’t feel guilty! So, today, I will bring my deepest darkest secrets of motherhood out into the light and celebrate the fact that I care deeply for my children. And I hope you will share yours so we can celebrate together!

My mom secrets are…

My deepest darkest secrets as a mom

1. I worry that my standard for my children is too high and I am too hard on them.

2. I once gave my son a consequence of having to drink a 12 pack of orange soda for repeatedly sneaking soda and he threw up.

3. I am afraid for their future – a lot.

4. I am not organized or disciplined enough to be a good mom.

5. I have been instrumental in the “disappearance” of tight or suggestive clothes (rather than argue with my girls). I have done it with a video game or two (boys), also.

6. I did not do enough training in life purpose, such as serving others, pleasing God.

Ok, after writing that I do not feel like celebrating. Which leads to my last secret – I often get overwhelmed about things I should trust God for. If I did trust maybe I would be better at letting go and celebrating the fact that I do try really hard and I love my children!

What are your deepest, darkest mom secrets?

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