Shaunti Feldhahn - For Women Only and For Men Only

Shaunti Feldhahn Book Give Away

This is my friend Shaunti–I love her.  And I just saw her last week at the Hearts At Home Conference. This woman has it going on in places that I can only dream of going.  She gets men and she gets women and what’s more she gets how to explain them to each other.  This is a RARE gift!  Mark and I have read her books, used her books in our relationship and used her books with our kids.  Another reason she is so unique is that she does so much research and thousands of interviews with men and women before she even writes one word!

Her books For Women Only and For Men Only have been updated and are being rereleased today with additional insights from the latest brain research plus an all-new chapter that shows what’s really going on when he seems to “check out.”

Now when I tell you that there is brain research in the book do not get alarmed that this is going to be too technical–it’s NOT!  In fact, if I were only a bit faster I would have some video that we shot as we were talking last week about the books.  In the video you would get a taste of just how talented this woman is in explaining the differences in men and women in a way we can understand.  I promise I will post the video soon.  If you want to read some articles of Shaunti’s she is an ispecialist for iMOM and has been for years.  See her articles on our Shaunti page on

Shaunti gave me 2 sets of the new editions of For Women Only and For Men Only to give away!  Just give me an “I love Shaunti” or “I would love Shaunti if I had her books” or some such Shaunti cheer in the comments below and you will be entered to win one set of both books.  We will have 2 winners–each will get both books!

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