light em up

An Awesome Way to Share Christmas Love

Christmas is my favorite time of year.  The essence of good will is wrapped in vibrant color, peppermint and pine.  I love it.  I want my kids to love it.  I want them to taste how precious giving good will can be.

I want them to give in visible ways and to see the joy that giving produces in the faces of others.

I want them to Light Em Up!

My friend Courtney wanted the same thing for her children and so she challenged herself and her community be purposeful in spreading good with Light ‘Em Up.

I encourage you to do the same.  It is so very simple and so very rewarding.  See Courtney’s simple plan.  To get your kids thinking about who they want to give to iMOM created a free printable planner for your kids to use and some really cute printable gift tags.

So, go and spread some joy–light up everyone in your life.  Before you do be inspired by this amazing surprise by a company spreading joy.

Christmas gift tag

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