
Photo Challenge Day 1: YOU

Day 1: YOU

This is me through the eyes of Madison (the iMOM task manager, slave driver, non-creative, bottom line, sassy co-worker).

HMPH!  Why do I make so many faces?!  This picture is not unusual for me.  Have you ever uploaded video to YouTube?  When you do, it selects a frame from the video to be the frame cover for the video.  I am ALWAYS making a strange face.  Serious, check it out for yourself!  

I told you.  And that makes three things I can’t control – YouTube, my face and Madison.

Madison took this picture and I didn’t even notice.  What was I talking about?  I could not begin to guess.

So here is the perfect visual example of why my blog is called Susan – It’s Just Me!  Because just me is exactly what you will get – imperfection every time!

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