
Marital Commitment is a Synergistic Multiplier.

Like those big words?  It is my fancy answer to this question I was asked: How does commitment play into relationship success?

My theory is that commitment is a synergistic multiplier.   Committed couples have twice the energy, twice the creativity, and twice the intelligence. They feed off of each other, enable each other and encourage each other.  They give each other the boldness to do and go where they probably wouldn’t go alone.  They stand behind each other and contradict enemy whispers of doubt when one gets discouraged.

This synergy occurs if there is trust in the relationship.  Trust is born when the ‘what if…’ is taken out of the equation.  It is available to every couple.  It simply requires that you absolutely refuse to accept anything but the fact that we are committed forever.  This is not about you or me this is about us. We will do it together.

With trust all things become possible and the synergistic multiplier begins.  You become a team, the team has synergy and the synergy brings success to whatever you two dream about becoming.

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