just be you

Just Be You

Once we start playing the comparison game, it’s hard to stop.

There’s my friend Marcie—the perfect mom with her counters always sparkling, her carpet clutter-free, and her kids smiling like little angels.

There’s my friend Laura—the peaceful mom with her endless patience and tenderness with her children.

Then there’s me—texting my kids to ask where they are, unsuccessfully attempting to cook a simple dinner, and hiding in the laundry room behind growing piles of dirty clothes.

Sometimes, we hear this little voice in the back of our minds telling us that our kids would be better off with another kind of mom—and we start to believe it.  We start doubting, and ask ourselves, “Why can’t I be more like Marcie or Laura??”

In this video clip from Moms’ Night Out, we see the main character Ally going through these same emotions.  She questions her abilities as a mom, and convinces herself that God made a mistake.

But the truth is that from the beginning of time, God has planned for you to be EXACTLY where you are.  God put your child in your care…and the mom you are is the mom God wanted your child to have.  Like Ally, we must come to understand that “I’m a mess.  But I’m a beautiful mess.  I’m His masterpiece, and that’s enough.”

 “Just be you—God will take care of the rest.”

-Bones to Ally, Moms’ Night Out

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