How to Know When Your Child is Ready to Make Choices

How to Know When Your Child is Ready to Make Choices

Every child must learn to make choices on the path to adulthood. Little children make little choices and are rewarded by being given bigger choices. The problem arises when little children are given the opportunity to make big choices or lots of choices—or worse, they contest a choice their mothers have already made—difficulties may arise. Here’s an example:

MOM: Honey, we’re going to the zoo, so please put your sneakers on.

CHILD: I don’t want to wear my sneakers. I want to wear my sparkle shoes.

MOM: But we’ll be walking a lot, and your tennis shoes are comfy.

CHILD: So are my sparkle shoes.

MOM: I don’t think they are . . . and we need to go.

CHILD: But, Mommy!

MOM: Okay, okay. If you think you will be okay, wear them.

Two things could happen here…

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