good fight

Fight the Good Fight

Fighting for your child is something that you inherently do as a mom. Right? We fight for them to have equal opportunity, education, health, a chance to make something of themselves and we even fight for their self-esteem because we believe in who they are and what they are capable of. 

My sister realized that something was up with her son in second grade, he was so smart but it was not reflected in his grades.  He was falling behind. So she approached his teacher to see if she noticed the same thing. And much to her surprise, his teacher fought back implying that she should accept my nephews performance. But my sister just knew that there was something wrong. She knew her son inside and out, and she knew something was not right, but the school would not agree to test him. She and her husband decided to fight for their son.  They paid for testing–extensive testing. Then they approached the teacher, then the principal, then more testing. They chose to fight hard for him.  And finally, they won.  

After many tests, my nephew did in fact, have a very rare learning disability that was completely curable. What they won for my nephew was a chance at a good education.  It was only because of a mother’s inherent knowledge of her son and her mama bear nature that she was able to identify the issue and fight for him. My sisters innate knowledge of her son and passion for his well-being forever changed his life.  My nephew is smart! And he is doing well in school and has now for four years.  Next year he will enter high school and college will be a sure opportunity because my sister fought for him. 

Have you ever had that gut feeling for your child? The feeling that wrings your insides so tightly the adrenaline sets your whole body afire with the urge to do something?  If you don’t know the feeling consider yourself blessed because your child has not faced trials.  I have. And I experienced it as if it were my own child when I watched Jennifer Garner’s face in the movie Miracles from Heaven  She does an amazing portrayal of a passionate mom who chooses to fight for her child–I felt her pain, understood her conflict, and cheered her on as she struggled to leave her comfort zone to fight for her daughter’s life.

The movie is about a young girl, Anna, who is diagnosed with a rare digestive disorder but finds hope after surviving a treacherous accident. Anna’s mom played by Jennifer is just like me, just like my sister, and just like many of you who have had to fight for your child. She knows her child is at risk and yet everyone is telling her it is hopeless.  She just can’t take her daughter’s suffering any longer, she pours her heart out and fights. She refuses to take no as an answer.

This powerful story will surely awaken your hope and faith, especially for those who have faced difficult life challenges. 

Don’t give up. Fight the good fight for your kids because you know them best, and you will always have their best interest at heart!

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