
5 Ways I Am A Prehistoric Parent (Parentosaurus)

I am a Parentosaurus.
Yep, that’s me on the right, daughter on the left.   I am coming out of the closet and it feels great.  I want everyone to know that you can be a mom with prehistoric values and still be loved by your children.  You may not be their friend, they may seem to hate you at times, but in the end they will benefit and they will thank you.  Yep, I have two so far that have thanked me. Sigh, joy, tears…

Here are 5 ways my children have accused me of being prehistoric:

1. I discipline AKA send them to their room, take away their keys, and yes, when they were younger I spanked.

2. I monitor electronics AKA no TV on school nights, no phones at the table, and I review all movies and video games.

3. I must meet friends/dates AKA they have to come to the door or I go out to the car, I call parents of friends to review plans, and I limit spending the night out.

4. I make them go to church every Sunday even when they don’t like it, even when it’s boring (the 2 in college go on their own).

5. I make them attend and participate in family dinners, family outings, family vacations (we love vacations – NY below!)

Why do your kids think you are a Parentosaurus?

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